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How’s life working out for you? Is it everything you
had hoped and dreamed it would be? Have you stopped
lately to consider what this life is all about? Do you find your-
self longing for something deeper than what you’ve experi-
enced in life so far? God loves you and desires for you to be
in relationship with Him through Jesus. Do you want to know
more about what this means? Read on!
You were created by God and for Him.
In Colossians 1:16, the Bible says, “…everything got
started in Him [God] and finds its purpose in Him.”
God is
your maker, your creator, and you are made in His image.
You were created to be in relationship with Him and to be
aligned with His heart and His purpose.
Sin separates us from God
The problem is that our sinful human nature separates us
from God. The Bible says in
Romans 5:12, “When Adam
sinned, sin entered the world. Adam’s sin brought death,
so death spread to everyone, for everyone sinned.”
an infection, sin has corrupted every corner of the world that
God originally designed in perfection. Sin is not a matter of
bad things that you do, but is a condition that we are born
into and that affects every fiber of the world around us. The
Bible says in
Romans 3:23, “For everyone has sinned; we
all fall short of God’s glorious standard.”
You cannot earn a relationship with God
A relationship with God is not based on being “good
enough” or by earning God’s favor through doing good
works and avoiding bad behavior. The Bible says in
esians 2:8-9, “God saved you by his grace when you be-
lieved. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from
God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we
have done, so none of us can boast about it.”
God de-
mands a standard of perfection that none of us can ever
meet on our own.
You receive a right relationship with God by
faith in Jesus Christ
Thankfully, God has provided a solution to our separation
problem. The Bible says in
2 Corinthians 5:21, “For God
made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our
sin, so that we could be made right with God through
The Bible tells us that God became man in the per-
son of Jesus Christ. He lived a sinless life on earth, died on a
cross and was raised from the dead. He took the penalty for
our sin and placed it on Himself so that, by believing and
trusting in Him, we can be made right with God both now
and in eternity.
You must receive Jesus Christ personally
It is not enough to know about Jesus Christ. You must believe
in Him and receive Him into your heart by faith. The Bible
says in
John 1:12, “But to all who believed Him and ac-
cepted Him, He gave the right to become children of
You can accept Him right now
If the above information has hit home for you, and if your
eyes have been opened to your need for the salvation that
only Jesus can provide, you can begin a relationship right
now! The prayer below is far from “magic words,” and is
meant to simply be a template for you to use in your own
prayer expressing your heart to God:
Father, I acknowledge
that my sin has separated me from you. I believe that you
sent your son Jesus to live a perfect life on this earth and to
die as the sacrifice for my sins. I invite You into my heart and
my life today, and I receive your free gift of forgiveness and
new life!
We want to hear from you!
We would love to encourage you in your relationship with
God, and also to send you a Bible if you don’t have one of
your own. To reach us and/or to receive your free Bible, you
call us at 954-564-5378, e-mail us at: or write us at:
P.O. Box 935148, Margate, FL 33093.